Scant - meaning and definition. What is Scant
Online Dictionary

What (who) is Scant - definition

You use scant to indicate that there is very little of something or not as much of something as there should be.
She began to berate the police for paying scant attention to the theft from her car.
ADJ: usu ADJ n
If you describe an amount as scant, you are emphasizing that it is small.
This hole was a scant .23 inches in diameter...
= mere
ADJ: a ADJ amount [emphasis]
I. v. a.
Limit, straiten, stint.
Grudge, keep back, be niggard of, cut short.
II. a.
Scanty, scarcely sufficient.
Scarce, short, insufficient.
·noun Scantness; scarcity.
II. Scant ·superl Sparing; parsimonious; chary.
III. Scant ·adv In a scant manner; with difficulty; scarcely; hardly.
IV. Scant ·vi To fail, or become less; to Scantle; as, the wind scants.
V. Scant ·vt To cut short; to make small, narrow, or scanty; to Curtail.
VI. Scant ·vt To Limit; to Straiten; to treat illiberally; to Stint; as, to scant one in provisions; to scant ourselves in the use of necessaries.
VII. Scant ·superl Not full, large, or plentiful; scarcely sufficient; less than is wanted for the purpose; scanty; meager; not enough; as, a scant allowance of provisions or water; a scant pattern of cloth for a garment.
Pronunciation examples for Scant
1. scant six in number.
The New American Militarism _ Andrew Bacevich _ Talks at Google
2. Other than technology, I see scant evidence
Star Trek and The Science of Optimism _ Nicholas Meyer _ Talks at Google
3. What safety they had was very scant.
4. but there is scant coordination between city agencies
5. Scant help for you, but it's a tragedy.
Happy Mutant Baby Pills _ Jerry Stahl _ Talks at Google
Examples of use of Scant
1. Little money translates into scant media attention.
2. John Kerry, who had scant union support in the beginning.
3. There was scant mention of market–opening issues.
4. "There‘s nothing to compare it to." But details are scant.
5. Alito finds scant Democratic support WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S.